Tuesday, January 20, 2015

12c agent deployment in silent mode
First ensure that we have the agent software available in our OMS home, to ensure that take a look at the below snaps,
Firstly goto SetupàExtensibilityàSelf Update:-
You should get a console like this :- Then click on Agent Software
Make sure that the required agent software is in applied state ( If not download it from the same page by clicking on appropriate host and version )

Tille now, we have ensured the agent software is availble in the OMS host,
Now proceed with getting the agent image from OMS host (Here onwards steps will be in command line only)

Login to OMS host  on putty:-
Step-1: On the OMS host launch the EMCLI client
emcli login -username=sysman -password=XXXXX
Step-2: To reflect the changes/newly downloaded software, we must synchronize OMS using
emcli sync

Step-3: Get the supported platforms list (It’s gonna display the info of hosts based on the agent software available in OMS host )
emcli get_supported_platforms

Step-4: Retrieve the agent image from OMS to some temporary location say /tmp
emcli get_agentimage -destination=/tmp  -platform=”Linux x86-64″ -version=”″
Step-5: Move the same extracted file to target server where we need to deploy the agent
scp -r oracle@lin001racd03a.txi.com:/tmp/agent_software

Step-6: unzip the same file on target server
Step-7: Edit the agent.rsp response file
OMS_HOST=” name.domain.com”
ORACLE_HOSTNAME=” yyyy.domain.com”

Step-8: Run the agent deployment script

oracle:XXXXX@yyyyyy:~ $./agentDeploy.sh AGENT_BASE_DIR=/u01/app/oracle/agent12c RESPONSE_FILE=/tmp/agent_software/agent.rsp

Step-9: Once agent deployment done successfully run root.sh script and then check the status of the agent and configure the same in OEM console.